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Tips and Timeline for Recovery after Gynaecomastia

Gynaecomastia is a common condition in men and boys, characterised by the swelling of breast tissue, often due to an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. This can impact both breasts or occasionally, it can affect just one. Deciding to have gynaecomastia surgery is a significant step, and understanding what the recovery process entails is an important part of that decision. This blog post aims to provide an overview of what to expect during recovery after gynaecomastia surgery. However, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s recovery process is unique, influenced by various factors such as age, general health, and the complexity of the procedure. Now, let’s discuss more about what the surgery entails, and the subsequent recovery after gynaecomastia process.

Dr Bish Soliman, based in Sydney, is a specialist plastic surgeon performing a wide range of male cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. Dr Soliman is known for his empathetic approach to patient care, understanding the unique needs and desires of his patients. Among the procedures he performs, gynaecomastia is a surgery that requires a keen aesthetic sense and surgical precision to ensure optimal outcomes.


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What Is Gynaecomastia Surgery?

Gynaecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is a procedure designed to correct enlarged or overdeveloped breasts in men. This condition, often caused by hormonal imbalances, can result in discomfort. The surgery aims to remove excess breast tissue and fat.

Performed under general or local anaesthesia, the procedure involves liposuction and/or excision. Liposuction is used to remove excess fat, and in some cases, this might be all that’s needed. However, if there’s glandular breast tissue or excess skin present, excision techniques are required. The specifics of the surgical approach depend on the patient’s individual needs.

Immediate Gynaecomastia Post-Operative Period

The immediate post-operative period after gynaecomastia surgery is a critical time. Upon waking from anaesthesia, you may feel groggy or disoriented. It’s essential to have someone present to drive you home and assist you for the first 24 hours following surgery.

Pain is expected to be moderate in the first few days following surgery but can be managed with prescribed pain medication. As the effects of the anaesthesia wear off, you may also experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the chest area.

Immediately after surgery, a dressing will be applied to the incisions, and a support garment is used to minimise swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals. It’s crucial to follow Dr Soliman’s instructions on how to care for the surgical site and when to remove or replace these dressings.

You might also have small, thin tubes temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect, although this is less common in gynaecomastia surgery than in other types of plastic surgery. Dr Bish Soliman, like many experienced surgeons, uses techniques designed to minimise the need for drains.

As you navigate the immediate post-operative period, remember that it’s essential to give your body the rest it needs. You’ve undergone a significant procedure, and your body needs time to recover. Drink plenty of fluids, eat nutritious meals, and try to move around as soon as you’re able to prevent complications like blood clots. Dr Soliman will provide more detailed instructions tailored to your individual needs and the specifics of your surgery.

First Few Days after Surgery

In the first few days after gynaecomastia surgery, it’s normal to feel a bit out of sorts. You may experience discomfort, but this should be manageable with the pain relief medication prescribed by Dr Soliman. Dr Soliman also prescribes antibiotics for all patients undergoing gynaecomastia surgery. Remember to take it easy, ensuring you get plenty of rest to allow your body to start healing.

You may also notice some swelling and bruising around the chest area. This is a normal part of the healing process and should gradually subside over a few weeks. Wearing the compression garment or supportive bandages, as advised by Dr Soliman, can help to minimise swelling and aid in shaping your chest contour.

During this time, you should avoid any intense activity, including heavy lifting and exercise. Light activities, such as walking, can be resumed fairly soon after surgery as they can actually help the recovery process by boosting circulation.

You’ll need to pay close attention to your surgical site for any signs of infection, such as increasing pain, redness, or discharge. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek medical advice straight away.

Also, it’s vital to adhere to any dietary guidelines Dr Soliman has provided. Proper nutrition can aid your recovery, helping wounds heal and reducing the risk of complications.

You also need to stop smoking for the best results.

Remember to take care of your mental health. Feeling a bit down or anxious is not uncommon after surgery, especially as your mobility and activity levels will be restricted for a time. Keep in contact with loved ones, engage in activities that you enjoy and can comfortably do, and feel free to reach out to a mental health professional if you’re feeling particularly low. Remember, recovery encompasses both your physical and mental wellbeing.

First Few Weeks after Surgery

In the first few weeks following gynaecomastia surgery, you should start feeling more like yourself again. Swelling and bruising should begin to fade, and any discomfort should lessen with each passing day. You’ll begin to notice the new shape of your chest, though final results will take a bit longer to be fully apparent due to ongoing healing.

Your first follow-up appointment with Dr Soliman will likely occur within the first week or two post-surgery. During these appointments, Dr Soliman will assess your healing progress, remove any stitches if they’re not absorbable, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

During this period, it’s still essential to avoid any strenuous activities that could strain your chest. You’ll likely be able to gradually resume normal activities and return to work, depending on your job nature. Always follow Dr Bish’s specific advice on when and how to reintroduce various levels of activity.

Proper skincare will be essential during this time. You’ll need to take care of your incision sites to avoid scarring, ensuring they’re clean and lightly moisturised. Avoid exposing them to the sun as this can darken scars.

Emotionally, it’s normal to go through a range of feelings as your body adjusts and you process the change in your appearance. Reach out to support groups, mental health professionals, or loved ones if you need emotional support.

Long-term Recovery after Gynaecomastia Surgery

In the months following gynaecomastia surgery, you’ll likely see the full results of your procedure as swelling completely subsides and the chest tissues settle into their new shape. Any incision lines from the surgery will gradually fade over time, but they may not disappear entirely. Keeping these areas protected from the sun will help to minimise visible scarring.

Follow-up appointments with Dr Soliman will continue periodically to monitor your progress and address any concerns that may arise. It’s important to keep these appointments and maintain open communication with Dr Soliman.

Potential complications, though rare, can occur. These may include infection, bleeding, changes in skin sensation, contour irregularities, and risks associated with anaesthesia. Any concerns should be immediately brought to the attention of your medical team.

In the long term, maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be key to preserving your surgical results. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding significant weight fluctuations can help maintain your newly contoured chest.

Keep in mind that everyone’s experience with gynaecomastia surgery and recovery is unique. You may recover more quickly or slowly than others, and your results may not look exactly like someone else’s. Comparisons can be unhelpful and lead to unnecessary worry. Focus on your own process and recovery, and remember that Dr Soliman and his team are there to support you every step of the way.

Factors Influencing Recovery after Gynaecomastia Surgery

Several factors can influence your recovery after gynaecomastia surgery. One of the most significant is your overall health and lifestyle prior to the procedure. For instance, non-smokers generally heal more quickly and are less likely to experience complications than smokers. Similarly, individuals who have a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise may also have a smoother recovery process.

Your age is another factor that may influence your recovery. Younger individuals usually heal faster than older adults due to their higher metabolic rates and overall vitality. However, successful recovery and satisfactory results can be achieved at any age.

Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is also crucial in your recovery. Dr Bish Soliman will provide detailed guidelines regarding activity levels, wound care, medication usage, and follow-up appointments. Adherence to these instructions is vital to ensure the best possible recovery and outcome.

The complexity and extent of your surgery can also affect your recovery time. For instance, if your gynaecomastia procedure involved a significant amount of tissue removal or included additional procedures, you might expect a longer recovery period.

Your mental and emotional health can also play a role in your recovery. Maintaining a positive outlook, having realistic expectations, and receiving support from friends, family, or support groups can significantly impact your recovery experience.

FAQs about Recovery after Gynaecomastia

How long will it take for me to fully recover from gynaecomastia surgery?

  • Full recovery time can vary from person to person, but most patients generally feel back to their normal selves within a few weeks. Keep in mind that it may take several months for all swelling to subside and the final result of the surgery to become evident.

When can I return to work after gynaecomastia surgery?

  • The timeline for returning to work depends on the nature of your job. If your job involves light desk work, you may be able to return within a week or two. But if your job involves heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity, you may need to wait a bit longer, often around 3 weeks or more. Always follow Dr Bish’s advice on when it’s appropriate to return to work.

When can I resume physical exercise after the surgery?

  • Light activities, such as walking, can often be resumed soon after surgery. Intense physical exercise, particularly activities that involve the upper body, should be avoided for about 6 weeks post-surgery. Dr Soliman will provide more personalised advice based on your healing progress.

Will I have noticeable scars after gynaecomastia surgery?

  • Scarring varies from person to person and depends on the specific surgical techniques used during your procedure. In many cases, incisions are made in inconspicuous locations to minimise visible scarring. Over time, scars often fade and become less noticeable.

What can I do to promote healing and ensure the best results from my surgery?

  • Following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions is crucial to promoting healing and ensuring the best possible results. This may include taking prescribed medications, wearing a compression garment, avoiding intense activities, maintaining a healthy diet, and not smoking. Regular follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon will also ensure that your recovery is on track.

Further Reading about Plastic Surgery for Men with Dr Bish Soliman

Medical References about Gynaecomastia Recovery

About Dr Bish Soliman

Dr Bish Soliman - Sydney Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, about us 01 2x
Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon
FRACS (Plas), MS (Plas), MBBS (Hons 1), BCom

AHPRA Registered Medical Practitioner MED 0001679053 Specialist Registration in Plastic Surgery

Dr Bish Soliman is a Sydney-based Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who performs aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body as well as skin cancer surgery.

He currently holds two consultant microsurgery positions in major Sydney hospitals performing complex microsurgical reconstruction including DIEP breast reconstruction.

After graduating from The King’s School, Dr Bish completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Sydney. After working briefly at a major Sydney finance firm, he decided to pursue his passion and long-term goal of a career in medicine. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame at the top of his class, receiving First class honours and the prestigious Bower and Sherrard medal. He then went on to complete his junior medical training at Westmead Hospital during which time he was awarded Junior Medical Officer (JMO) of the Year, as well as a finalist for NSW Doctor of the Year.


Next Steps

Do your Research

  • All Surgery has risks and potential complications. Please read the risks and complications page
  • Visit our procedure pages and Blogs to learn more about your intended procedure

Making The Most Of Your Consultation

  • Please arrive slightly early for your in-person consultation with Dr Bish
  • Take notes during the consultation and review all the documents provided
  • You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to help consider your options
  • You may need to undress for a physical exam so wear comfortable clothes

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

  • Call us to find out more about surgery pricing and how you can pay for your surgery
  • Request more information about your procedure – call or contact us.

How to Book Your Consultation

  • A GP Medical Referral is now essential to see Dr Bish Soliman for any type of surgery.
  • You can book your consultation with Dr Bish Soliman by paying the consultation fee in advance – when you make your appointment.

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