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Benefits of DIEP Flap Reconstruction over Traditional Implant Methods

In plastic surgery, advances have paved the way for various reconstruction options, each with its unique benefits, considerations, and outcomes. Among these, two prominent choices stand out: Implant-Based Reconstruction and the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap procedure. Both avenues offer paths to restoration, but they diverge in methodology, recovery, and, most importantly, the final feel and appearance of the reconstructed breast.

This blog is designed to discuss the advantages of the DIEP Flap procedure over its implant-based counterpart, offering insights into why it might be the preferable choice for some patients. With a focus on using the patient’s own tissue to recreate the breast, the DIEP Flap technique stands out for its ability to deliver results that not only look but also feel natural.

Sydney Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Bish Soliman performs DIEP breast reconstruction and other breast procedures.

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Options for Breast Reconstruction

When faced with the decision of breast reconstruction, understanding the available surgical options is crucial. This knowledge empowers patients to make choices that align with their personal health goals, aesthetic desires, and lifestyle preferences. In the landscape of reconstructive surgery, two prominent paths emerge: Implant-Based Reconstruction and the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap procedure. Each carries its own set of benefits, considerations, and implications for recovery and outcome.

Breast reconstruction aims to restore the breast’s shape, appearance, and size following mastectomy or lumpectomy due to cancer or other diseases. The journey of reconstruction is highly individual, with decisions deeply influenced by personal, medical, and emotional factors.

  • Implant-Based Reconstruction: This method involves the use of saline or silicone implants to recreate the breast mound. It’s a popular choice due to its shorter initial surgery time and the flexibility in adjusting breast size. However, it may involve multiple procedures, including tissue expansion, to prepare the site for the final implant.
  • DIEP Flap Reconstruction: A more complex procedure, the DIEP Flap technique uses the patient’s own skin, fat, and blood vessels from the lower abdomen to reconstruct the breast. This method preserves all the abdominal muscles, offering a dual benefit of breast reconstruction and a tummy tuck – abdominoplasty effect. It’s preferred for its natural look and feel and the minimisation of long-term maintenance.

Decision Factors

Choosing between DIEP Flap and Implant-Based Reconstruction involves several critical factors:

  • Personal Health: Patients with certain health conditions or those who smoke may not be ideal candidates for the DIEP Flap due to the longer surgery time and more complex recovery. Conversely, those with a history of radiation might find implants less favourable due to higher complication rates.
  • Desired Outcome: The decision heavily leans on the desired aesthetic and physical feel of the reconstructed breast. Those seeking a more natural appearance and texture may gravitate towards the DIEP Flap.
  • Recovery Time and Process: The DIEP Flap involves a longer initial recovery period due to the complexity of the surgery, which includes microsurgery to connect blood vessels. Implant surgeries generally have a shorter initial recovery but may require additional procedures for tissue expansion or implant replacement over time.
  • Risk Factors and Complications: Each method comes with its set of potential risks and complications. Implants carry the risk of rupture, capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue around the implant), and the possibility of replacement surgeries in the future. DIEP Flap surgery, while avoiding these implant-related issues, carries its own risks such as flap failure, abdominal weakness, or hernia, albeit rarely.

The choice between DIEP Flap and Implant-Based Reconstruction is deeply personal and should be made in close consultation with Dr Bish Soliman, who can provide detailed insights into each procedure’s nuances. Factors such as your body type, cancer treatment history, lifestyle, and personal values play a significant role in shaping this decision. Here’s a closer look at these considerations:

  • Body Type and Tissue Availability: For DIEP Flap reconstruction, sufficient abdominal tissue is necessary, which may not be available in all patients. This requirement can exclude individuals with a lean body type or those who lack enough abdominal fat and skin to create a new breast. In contrast, Implant-Based Reconstruction does not have this limitation, making it a more universally applicable option regardless of body type. It’s essential for patients to undergo a thorough evaluation by Dr Soliman to determine the most suitable procedure based on their specific anatomical considerations.
  • Cancer Treatment Plan: The impact of previous or ongoing cancer treatments, particularly radiation therapy, cannot be overstated in the context of breast reconstruction. Radiation can significantly affect skin quality, elasticity, and the body’s healing capabilities, which are critical factors in the success of any reconstructive surgery. For patients who have undergone radiation, the DIEP Flap procedure may offer a better outcome, as it introduces healthy, non-radiated tissue to the chest area, potentially improving healing and the aesthetic result. However, the intricate nature of this surgery requires patients to be in good overall health to tolerate the longer operation and recovery process.
  • Lifestyle and Activity Level: An individual’s lifestyle and activity level are also significant considerations when choosing between DIEP Flap and Implant-Based Reconstruction. The DIEP Flap surgery, while preserving muscle integrity, involves a more extended recovery period and may initially impact core strength and stability. Patients who are very active or have professions demanding physical exertion need to consider the recovery timeline and possible temporary limitations on certain activities. On the other hand, Implant-Based Reconstruction might offer a quicker return to daily activities, although the presence of implants could impose its own set of long-term considerations for physical activities and lifestyle choices.
  • Psychological Impact: The psychological and emotional dimensions of breast reconstruction play a pivotal role in the decision-making process. Each individual’s perception of her body, desired outcome, and the psychological impact of living with either natural tissue or an implant are crucial to consider. The DIEP Flap procedure tends to be favoured for its ability to provide a reconstructed breast that looks and feels more natural, which can be a significant factor in overall satisfaction and body image post-surgery. Conversely, some may prefer the somewhat more predictable shape and size control offered by implants. Open discussions with Dr Soliman can help in navigating these deeply personal considerations, ensuring that the chosen path aligns with the patient’s emotional and psychological well-being.

Choosing between Breast Reconstruction Options

Informed decision-making is the foundation of selecting the breast reconstruction method that best suits an individual’s needs, preferences, and medical situation. It involves a complex evaluation by and consultation with Dr Soliman, who can provide detailed explanations of each option, including the benefits, risks, and what one can realistically expect in terms of outcomes.

Patients should also seek support from breast cancer survivor groups, counselling services, and educational resources to gain insights from those with firsthand experience. Understanding the full scope of the recovery process, including physical, emotional, and aesthetic aspects, is essential. This approach ensures that the decision not only addresses the physical dimensions of breast reconstruction but also supports the individual’s overall quality of life and satisfaction with their body post-reconstruction.

The DIEP Flap Advantage

In the evolving field of breast reconstruction, the Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap technique has emerged as a popular option for many women seeking natural, long-lasting outcomes. This method, distinguished by its use of the patient’s own tissue, presents several advantages over traditional Implant-Based Reconstruction, from aesthetic results to health benefits. Here, we discuss the reasons why the DIEP Flap procedure might be considered superior by patients and surgeons alike:

·       Natural Look and Feel

One of the most compelling benefits of the DIEP Flap procedure is the natural look and feel of the reconstructed breast. Unlike implants, which can sometimes feel artificial, the use of the patient’s own skin, fat, and blood vessels from the abdominal area ensures that the reconstructed breast closely mimics the form and softness of a natural breast. This congruence is particularly valued by patients seeking not just reconstruction but restoration of their body’s pre-mastectomy state. The ability to match the remaining natural breast in unilateral reconstruction cases is unparalleled, providing symmetry and balance that are difficult to achieve with implants.

·       Health and Recovery Benefits

The DIEP Flap procedure carries significant health and recovery benefits that set it apart from implant-based options. By avoiding the use of foreign materials, the risk of rejection and implant-related complications, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture, is eliminated. Furthermore, because the DIEP Flap preserves all abdominal muscles, transferring only skin and fat, patients experience less postoperative pain and retain their original muscle strength. This preservation of muscle integrity contributes to a quicker return to daily activities and reduces the risk of long-term complications like abdominal weakness or hernia, common concerns with older flap procedures that harvested muscle tissue.

Another health advantage is the procedure’s impact on the abdominal area. The removal of skin and fat from the lower abdomen to create the new breast often results in a flatter, more toned stomach, akin to the effects of a cosmetic tummy tuck – abdominoplasty.

·       Psychological and Emotional Considerations

The psychological and emotional advantages of the DIEP Flap procedure cannot be overstated. For many women, the loss of a breast to cancer or disease can be a traumatic event, significantly impacting their sense of femininity and self. The opportunity to reconstruct the breast with their own tissue can provide a sense of closure and healing, allowing them to move forward more comfortably. The natural results achieved with the DIEP Flap often mean that women do not have to feel “different” or be constantly reminded of their cancer journey when they look in the mirror. This can be a crucial factor in the overall emotional and psychological recovery from breast cancer.

Moreover, the DIEP Flap’s avoidance of implants means that patients are spared the worry of potential implant replacement surgeries or complications in the future. This peace of mind, knowing that their reconstruction is likely to last a lifetime without the need for further invasive procedures, can be comforting and beneficial for long-term mental health.

·       Long-term Outcomes

When considering the long-term outcomes of breast reconstruction options, the DIEP Flap technique stands out for its durability and stability. The reconstructed breast ages naturally with the body and does not require the routine replacements or adjustments that implants might need over time. This stability is especially significant for patients seeking a one-time reconstruction solution without the prospect of future surgeries. Additionally, the use of autologous tissue in the DIEP Flap ensures that changes in body weight are naturally reflected in the breast, maintaining a consistent and proportional appearance throughout the years.

Recovery and Results of DIEP Flap vs Implant-Based Reconstruction

The journey through breast reconstruction is marked by personal choices, each with its unique pathway to healing and restoration. A critical aspect of this journey is understanding the recovery process and long-term outcomes associated with DIEP Flap and Implant-Based Reconstruction. Here, we compare these two prevalent methods, providing insights into what patients can expect during their recovery and beyond:

DIEP Flap Recovery Process

The recovery from DIEP Flap surgery is generally more intensive initially, due to the complexity of the procedure. Patients can expect a hospital stay of several days, where pain management and monitoring of the flap’s blood supply are priorities. The first few weeks post-surgery require careful management of physical activity, with recommendations to avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting to ensure optimal healing.

Despite the more significant initial recovery, the long-term benefits of DIEP Flap reconstruction become evident as patients progress through healing. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own tissue, the reconstructed breast integrates seamlessly with the body, creating a natural appearance and feel. Additionally, the preservation of abdominal muscle strength means that once fully recovered, patients can return to their normal activities without the long-term restrictions that might accompany other reconstruction methods.

Implant Recovery Process

In contrast, the recovery period following Implant-Based Reconstruction can be shorter in the initial phase. Patients typically experience a quicker discharge from the hospital and may return to daily activities sooner than those undergoing DIEP Flap surgery. However, it’s essential to note that if tissue expansion is part of the process to accommodate the implant, this can extend the overall timeline and add to the discomfort experienced during recovery.

Despite the potential for a swifter initial recovery, patients with implants must consider the long-term aspects of their choice. Implants, whether saline or silicone, have a finite lifespan and often require replacement or revision surgery down the line. This aspect of maintenance, coupled with the potential for implant-related complications, adds a layer of consideration for those opting for implant-based reconstruction.

Long-term Results

When evaluating long-term outcomes, DIEP Flap reconstruction stands out for its durability and the permanence of results. The reconstructed breast ages naturally with the body and does not require the routine maintenance or replacement associated with implants. This benefit can be a deciding factor for patients looking for a one-time surgical solution and a natural aging process.

Conversely, while Implant-Based Reconstruction might offer an initially less daunting recovery, the possibility of future surgeries for implant replacement or complications must be factored into the decision-making process. Each patient’s values, lifestyle, and personal health goals will significantly influence their choice between these two paths.

The recovery and long-term outcomes of DIEP Flap versus Implant-Based Reconstruction present a spectrum of considerations for patients. While DIEP Flap offers a more natural result and less long-term maintenance, the initial recovery is more demanding. Implant-Based Reconstruction may appeal to those seeking a quicker initial recovery, with the understanding that future interventions may be necessary. Ultimately, the choice between these methods is deeply personal, reflecting each individual’s journey towards healing and wholeness.

FAQs about DIEP Breast Reconstruction Surgery

How successful is DIEP flap reconstruction?

  • DIEP flap reconstruction has a high success rate (>99%), with most studies and clinical experiences reporting satisfaction rates exceeding 90%. Success is measured not only by the survival of the flap but also by patient satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome, the restoration of body image, and the minimal impact on the donor site’s functionality. Advances in microsurgical techniques have significantly improved the reliability of the DIEP flap, reducing the risk of flap loss and complications. However, individual outcomes can vary, and success heavily depends on the expertise of the surgical team and the patient’s health and anatomy.

What are the disadvantages of DIEP surgery?

  • Despite its advantages, DIEP flap surgery is not without its disadvantages. The procedure is more complex and time-consuming than implant-based reconstruction, often requiring a longer operation time and a more extended hospital stay. The recovery period is also longer and more demanding, with restrictions on physical activity to ensure proper healing. There is a risk of complications related to microsurgery, including flap failure, which, although rare, can lead to the loss of the reconstructed breast. Additionally, patients may experience abdominal weakness or changes in sensation at the donor site, despite efforts to preserve muscle integrity. The surgery leaves a scar on the lower abdomen, similar to that of a tummy tuck – abdominoplasty, which might be a consideration for some patients.

Is DIEP flap safe?

  • DIEP flap reconstruction is considered a safe option for breast reconstruction, with risks comparable to or slightly higher than those associated with implant-based reconstruction due to its surgical complexity. The procedure utilises the patient’s own tissue, eliminating risks associated with implants such as capsular contracture or implant rupture. Advances in microsurgical techniques have made the procedure increasingly reliable, with a low rate of significant complications. As with any major surgery, there are risks of bleeding, infection, and complications related to anaesthesia.

Who is not a good candidate for DIEP flap surgery?

  • Not every patient is a good candidate for DIEP flap surgery. Suitable candidates have sufficient abdominal tissue to create a new breast and are in good overall health to withstand a lengthy surgery and recovery process. Patients who do not have enough abdominal fat or skin, those with significant health issues such as severe cardiovascular conditions or uncontrolled diabetes, and heavy smokers may not be good candidates for this procedure. Previous abdominal surgeries that may have compromised the abdominal blood vessels could exclude a patient from being a candidate for DIEP flap reconstruction.

Further Reading about DIEP Breast Reconstruction with Dr Bish Soliman

Medical References about DIEP Breast Reconstruction

About Dr Bish Soliman

Dr Bish Soliman - Sydney Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, about us 01 2x
Specialist Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon
FRACS (Plas), MS (Plas), MBBS (Hons 1), BCom

AHPRA Registered Medical Practitioner MED 0001679053 Specialist Registration in Plastic Surgery

Dr Bish Soliman is a Sydney-based Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who performs aesthetic surgery of the face, breast, and body as well as skin cancer surgery.

He currently holds two consultant microsurgery positions in major Sydney hospitals performing complex microsurgical reconstruction including DIEP breast reconstruction.

After graduating from The King’s School, Dr Bish completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Sydney. After working briefly at a major Sydney finance firm, he decided to pursue his passion and long-term goal of a career in medicine. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame at the top of his class, receiving First class honours and the prestigious Bower and Sherrard medal. He then went on to complete his junior medical training at Westmead Hospital during which time he was awarded Junior Medical Officer (JMO) of the Year, as well as a finalist for NSW Doctor of the Year.


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  • Take notes during the consultation and review all the documents provided
  • You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to help consider your options
  • You may need to undress for a physical exam so wear comfortable clothes

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  • A GP Medical Referral is now essential to see Dr Bish Soliman for any type of surgery.
  • You can book your consultation with Dr Bish Soliman by paying the consultation fee in advance – when you make your appointment.

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